For clarity, I am not about to rail against the poor. For those who can’t afford to let go of one precious drop of nutrition, food waste is not a joke. My guess is, if your situation is that dire, you’re not wasting your time reading my frivolous blog.
For further clarity, I’m not against the idea of eating yogurt. Please know that yogurt is not the real issue here. I happen to be a fan of yogurt. Real yogurt. Not a cup of something that’s more chemistry than cultures created in the name of being low-fat or zero-fat. And in fairness, some of these use stevia, which is not a chemical. It just tastes like one. There is room in my world for both cow yogurt and goat yogurt, as well as regular and Greek-style yogurts. I typically grab plain yogurt and add blueberries, or honey and almonds. I might even throw in some flax seed. (Fiber, good.) At our house, we buy the 32-ounce containers. When we feel like making what I call a “yogurt treat,” I spoon some into a small dish, add my toppings (or bottomings—sometimes the berries go in first), stir and enjoy. I’m not a single-serving-container kinda gal. And those single-serving containers is where this very real issue begins. Again, it’s not about the yogurt. It is the single-serving vessel and the bizarre need that some folks possess to scrape every last drop of food from its confines. So you could apply this rant to people eating single servings of cottage cheese, or pudding, or anything that one might be compelled to scrape and over-scrape at until they’re confident they’ve left nothing for even the smallest of scavengers to enjoy. Yogurt scraping as a compulsion is baffling to me for several reasons:
Am I making too much out of this whole thing? I have two answers to that question.
Have I gone too far? What is it that humans do to make you bananas? (Bananas, just peel and eat. No scraping required.)
AuthorHoney Parker has been writing, writing, writing for decades, decades, decades. In there, she has also been a standup comedian, a Hollywood screenwriter, a director, and a co-author of edgy business books. Careful-ish is her debut novel. It is the first in a trilogy. It is comedy-ish. Archives
November 2024