IT'S ALL HER FAULT Honey Parker's been creating in one form or another for decades--as an advertising creative director, a stand-up comedian, and a screenwriter. Her previous books are all business. Literally. The Careful-ish series is Honey's debut into the world of novels. It is, of course, a comedy. |
“Lighthearted…Thought-provoking…Hilarious…Beautiful to read…”
- Jennifer Ibiam, Readers’ Favorite
Ready to laugh with six new friends who'll make you feel better about your own choices?
Overeating. Oversharing. Not enough distancing. Too much alcohol. What could go wrong? Meet six diverse friends quarantining in The Greatest City On Earth. They struggle to maintain their social lives, pay the bills, find new purpose, and just maybe have sex. What will they do when they think nobody’s watching? A lot.
The Joy (yes, that’s what she calls herself) is the crazy glue that’s holding this group of reprobates together. When lockdown hits, she insists on maintaining their weekly happy hour. She also insists that getting serviced by her beefy delivery man is safe-ish. Her sarcastic, Asian-American roommate, Kimi begs to differ. Only, not too loudly. She has no place else to go. But things are challenging for everyone. Will Steph, the nice Jewish girl and fledgling TV news chick be able to balance career and romance? And is it really romance, or just star-crossed sex? She’s quietly and uncareful-ishly getting busy with Jackson, the group’s token Arab ne’er-do-well. He’s using lockdown to train for that ninja warrior TV show, setting up a crazy obstacle course in his parent’s penthouse apartment. Surprise. They’re not home...Yet. Will Shad, the African-American young gun of finance, who works under the boss from Hell, quit before he gets fired? Depends. Benji, his white, suburban, anime-loving roommate (who’s not quite on the spectrum) might drive him crazy before he can do either. And somehow the outside world finds its way in. Will Shad actually run the entire marathon for charity he's created right in his apartment? And what will Steph do when, while in the middle of interviewing a war hero’s widow, she’s forced to play midwife--on TV. Her friends and the world watch live as the drama unfolds. And that's just book one. If you enjoy friends comedies with a hint of romance, a serving of cocktails and a healthy dose of heart, this is for you. Honey Parker brings her years of stand-up comedy and screenwriting experience together for this best-selling Careful-ish series. At first glance, they may seem ridiculous. But in trying times, who doesn't? And who’s to judge...
What people who don't have to be nice to Honey are saying about "Careful-ish."
"Love, loved, it!!!! Funny, clever well-drawn characters, a welcome distraction. I laughed, was surprised, and deeply touched. The characters are incredible."
- Pamela Wallace, Oscar-winning writer and novelist “Lighthearted…Thought-provoking…Hilarious…It was beautiful to read…” - Jennifer Ibiam, Readers’ Favorite "Laughter is the best medicine, and Honey Parker prescribes a welcome antidote to the current plague. Careful-ish takes the pulse of a host of stressed-out urbanites who are struggling, just like us, with the insanity of the Coronavirus. It’s guaranteed to have you smiling behind that paisley mask your Aunt Sophie made for you." - David Sheffield, writer of SNL, Coming to America & The Nutty Professor "A thoroughly engaging and heartfelt read…wonderfully portrayed divergent characters…a satirist approach to a serious subject matter that includes laugh-out-loud scenes. - Dianne Woodman, Bestsellers World "CAREFUL-ISH offers a humorous microcosm of 2020 to which we can all Honey Parker weaves a relatable tale told through the lives of six friends, starting the moment they have to self-quarantine in New York City. This funny, yet insightful, fictional story holds up a mirror to life in a modern-day pandemic. Parker dares you to laugh at the reflection staring back at you...." - Stacy Dymalski, comedian, producer, author of Confessions of a Band Geek Mom “Shockingly and hilariously ‘uncareful-ish’… The real beauty of this juicy read is that…the realities of the pandemic become someone else’s problem…’” - Libby Wiersema, IndieReader |
But Wait. There's More...
Careful-ish is a crazy ride. But it doesn't stop there. More books for the Careful-ish series are in the works.
And there will, of course, be The Cocktails of Careful-ish.
And there will, of course, be The Cocktails of Careful-ish.
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